10 Things To Do When Your Kids Are Driving You Crazy!

10 Things to do when your Kids are Driving you Crazy

We’ve all been there. Your child, despite disciplinary repercussions, has been incessantly whining, emptied all of their dresser drawers (and yours), spilled the dog’s water everywhere, and capped it all off by scattering garbage throughout the house. Oh, and did I mention that your newborn appropriately picked this minute to have a major blowout that has left both you and him…decorated? Yep, even the most patient of moms meet their breaking points at times. Before you get ready to ship your little angels off to Grandmas, let’s talk about some strategies to use when you need to reset this chaotic, manic vibe.

As a bit of a warning, I don’t suggest using these on a regular basis, just when you truly are at your whits end. You don’t want to constantly be teaching your child that by behaving badly they will actually be rewarded, but let’s face it, there are times when small indulgences are well worth a little peace. So here’s my go-to, “Save Mommy’s Sanity” moves:

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Breaking the Boredom of Motherhood

Breaking the Boredom of Motherhood by The Mommy Games

There’s a lot of things people don’t tell you about motherhood. For instance, I remember being shocked that the first few months of breastfeeding a newborn meant you never get to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time. What? Why didn’t someone tell me this?? Not that I think being warned would have made it any easier, but a little heads up would have been nice. Or how time consuming solid feedings can be. Pretty sure I would have held off on those if I would have known they were going to take an hour plus! This list could go on and on, but I’m pretty sure all you moms out there know what I’m talking about.

One thing that I think isn’t talked about often is how being a mom, especially a stay-at-home one, can be, well…boring. I’m all too familiar with the “I wish I could stay at home and play legos and do art projects all day!” comment. Enter fake smile and obligatory nod. Yes, those things can certainly be fun, but I think every woman has a limit to how much of that she can take. When the most exciting thing your 5-month old does is clap their hands or shake a rattle, those days at home can seem awfully long. Many mothers, myself included, had demanding jobs and full days before they had children. Even though a mom’s day is most certainly full, it’s not necessarily full of the most exciting variety.

So let’s talk about some ways to battle the boredom:

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