I sort of can’t believe this is my first sweet breakfast recipe that I’ve shared here. See, I love muffins and pastries, but since we have incredible bakeries (Magnolia, Boulud, Bouchon) a stone’s throw away, I generally just pick something up on my way out. NYC is a dangerous place to live like that. I can’t walk a block without passing multiple temptations, and given that I have about zero self control in that department, I almost always give in. But alas, the smell of freshly baked muffins lofting out of the oven is enough to have me shunning all my favorite treats. If only a candle could accomplish what a little baked good can.
When I saw piles of gorgeous blueberries (on sale at Whole Foods!), I just knew that muffins had to happen. And there is no better muffin than one with a serious crumb topping. It’s rather essential in my book. The streusel needs to hold together but not be overly crunchy. Just enough to add some texture and a little more sweetness. I also love the brightness the lemon gives these as well. It’s subtle, but takes an ordinary muffin to the next level. Make a batch and freeze any leftovers, making for quick and yummy weekday grabs. These are by far the tastiest muffins that have ever come out of my kitchen, and I know you and your family will love them.