Mommy Happy Hour

Mommy Happy Hour

Friday, you could not have come sooner! My husband was away on business most of the week, and let me tell you, being a single parent is no joke. I am utterly spent. It’s amazing how having an extra pair of hands at the end of the day can make life so much easier. I definitely needed a little pep talk around dinner and bath time, and quickly reached for a cocktail once everyone was tucked away for the night. My hats off to all you amazing women who do this on a regular basis. I will happily give you a virtual cheers for this Mommy Happy Hour.

I have some awesome stuff to share with you, and don’t forget to enter to win $100 to Sephora in my blogiversary giveaway! 

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Mommy Happy Hour

Mommy Happy Hour

Don’t mind me, I’m just over here perched up on top of our AC unit with a big glass of sweet tea trying desperately not to turn into a puddle. I feel as if I spent this whole week either sweating or showering to remedy the sweating. NYC Marathon training also officially kicked off this week, so long runs on the surface of the sun were interesting to say the least. No true complaints, since I would take this any day over winter, but yep, the indoors have been looking mighty fine the past few days. Luckily, Brandon is still in summer camp for a few hours each morning, so we don’t have to brave the playground so much. The kid comes home so happily tired that I have to physically wake him up after a 2 hour nap, since he would gladly sleep the afternoon away. Summer camp – best decision ever!

So grab a cold drink (a tipsy one is always encouraged) and let’s do this:

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Hot Mama Summer Workout Wear

You know those women who show up to the gym dressed to the nines? Full on hair and make-up and outfits that look more appropriate on a runway than a treadmill? Yep, I am so not one of those. I look for function first and foremost from my workout clothes, and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worn make-up to the gym (probably leftover from a late night before).

But since having kids, my schedule has become significantly more packed, and sometimes it’s just easier to dress for a workout early and hope to squeeze it in at some point before dinner. This means that I’m probably going to be running errands, taking the kids to classes or the playground, and doing a number of other things that will require that I run into a least a handful of people I know. And I probably don’t want to look a hot mess.

Thank goodness so many fitness apparel lines realized many women have the same issue, and have come up with some amazing options. Here’s what I’m living in this summer:

Hot Mama Summer Workout Wear

Mommy Happy Hour

Mommy Happy Hour

We are officially into the summer swing! Temperatures are finally starting to rise and the kids and I have enjoyed some much needed playground time. Playdates this week were all outside and involved lots of water balloon and bubble making. This mommy certainly earned her cocktail with all the running around we did. What about y’all? Any exciting summer time plans? Cheers, and thanks for visiting with me this week!

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Breaking the Boredom of Motherhood

Breaking the Boredom of Motherhood by The Mommy Games

There’s a lot of things people don’t tell you about motherhood. For instance, I remember being shocked that the first few months of breastfeeding a newborn meant you never get to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time. What? Why didn’t someone tell me this?? Not that I think being warned would have made it any easier, but a little heads up would have been nice. Or how time consuming solid feedings can be. Pretty sure I would have held off on those if I would have known they were going to take an hour plus! This list could go on and on, but I’m pretty sure all you moms out there know what I’m talking about.

One thing that I think isn’t talked about often is how being a mom, especially a stay-at-home one, can be, well…boring. I’m all too familiar with the “I wish I could stay at home and play legos and do art projects all day!” comment. Enter fake smile and obligatory nod. Yes, those things can certainly be fun, but I think every woman has a limit to how much of that she can take. When the most exciting thing your 5-month old does is clap their hands or shake a rattle, those days at home can seem awfully long. Many mothers, myself included, had demanding jobs and full days before they had children. Even though a mom’s day is most certainly full, it’s not necessarily full of the most exciting variety.

So let’s talk about some ways to battle the boredom:

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How to Start Stroller Running

How to Start Stroller Running

“How in the heck do you run with that thing?!” is a question I get all too often. People see me toting the kids to and from in our ginormous (at least by NYC standards) running stroller and can’t believe I push it around the grocery store, let alone run with it. But with school out for summer, many moms, myself included, find getting in their workouts difficult. Stroller running is an awesome way to get in your cardio while the kids get fresh air. You are also showing them first hand what leading a healthy lifestyle looks like. I like to track the miles I run with my kids and can’t wait to tell them that they’ve “run” 1,000 miles or something similar when they are old enough to understand.

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Baby Things I’ll Miss the Most

Baby Things I'll Miss the Most by The Mommy Games

With Rylan’s first birthday right around the corner (literally, next week!), I’ve been thinking a lot about how much I am going to miss him being my little baby. He will, of course, always be my baby, but as parents soon find out, babies grow up quick. Diaper changes are exchanged for potty training, trips to the mommy-and-me class with trips to school, bottles for cups, onesies for jeans, strollers for scooters, and the list goes on and on. My own mom is very pragmatic about this sort of thing. She took me and my siblings growing up as part of life and that her and my dad had done their job well if we were able to hit these milestones (seriously people, she didn’t even cry when I went to school or got married!). I’ve always considered myself in the same boat, until I actually had kids. Now the idea of taking Rylan for his first haircut practically sends me into hysterics. Guess I got a little of you in my too, Dad.

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Winter Stroller Running

It might be cold out side, but mommy still needs to get in her run! There’s only so many treadmill miles you can log before the monotony starts to get old. So let’s talk about how to keep your little ones comfy and warm while you get your miles in outside.

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