It’s almost February and Valentines is right around the corner. Although it is arguably the cheesiest holiday around, it’s fun being a girl on Valentines. If you are in a relationship you can rightfully expect to get pampered. And if you are single you can rightfully expect to get bombed with your other single girlfriends – who needs men?! But we can all expect to ride a sugar high for most of the day.
My mom made this amazing cake when we were home for the holidays, and I knew I absolutely must share it with all of you. It was so incredibly good! My brother recently got married, and the woman who made his rehearsal dinner cake told us the secret to her super moist cake was to freeze them beforehand. When they are defrosted, all that moisture goes back into the cake, making it one of the most tender and moist cakes you will ever eat (how-to details in recipe below). My mom did just that with this beautiful layer cake and the result was amazing. You have to try it for yourself! And the frosting is beyond delicious. Like, you should make extra. Tempted to throw in a comment about what to do with said frosting on this romantic holiday, but this is a G-rated show here at The Mommy Games. Thanks Mom for sharing this recipe and for letting me be a very diligent taste tester!