I love the start of a new school year. Fresh notebooks and pencils. Backpacks and lunchboxes that haven’t been ripped and dirtied. A whole new set of classes and teachers. It’s my inner nerd that really gets excited about these sorts of things. I have a whole set of goals that I’m working to implement that will keep our family running smoothly with the start of school. This will be the first year that Brandon goes to school every single day (though just in the mornings), and I’m thinking that having to have everyone up and ready 5 days a week is going to be an interesting challenge.
One of the things I’m focused on is revamping our breakfast routine. My kids aren’t huge breakfast eaters. They just aren’t super interested in eating as soon as they wake-up, and are usually content with just some cereal and fruit. I’m not great about breakfast either, since I usually run around 9 am, which means I can only handle a small snack when I wake-up. I generally wait until lunch to have a real meal (for all you interested runners – I do have a recovery shake right after my runs so I’m not totally going without). Since Brandon will be at school all morning, I want to make sure that he has something more filling in his stomach, so I’ve been experimenting with different hardy breakfast options. And I LOVE the idea of breakfasts that can be made the night before.