So we are still on vacation down in GA, but I thought I would share another oldie but goodie from my previous blog. This is the perfect drink for a hot summer day. My husband and I discovered them years ago while vacationing in Mexico. He likes to put all the extra jazz in his, but I like just straight up lime juice and beer. So kick back, make yourselves a refreshing Michelada and pray that Monday won’t come too quickly.
Micheladas (makes 2)
3 limes
2 Mexican beers (like Corona)
soy sauce (optional)
Worcestershire sauce (optional)
- Juice all 3 limes into a cup.
- Rub the rim of the glasses with one of the leftover lime wedges.
- Sprinkle a handful of salt onto a plate, and roll each glass rim into the salt (totally optional, or could only do part of the rim).
- Divide the lime juice up between the 2 glasses.
- Optionally – add a few drops of soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce for a different version. This one has a spicier taste and would be great as a brunch time drink instead of a bloody mary (the hubby likes this type better, while I like just the lime juice).
- Fill the glasses with beer.