It’s official, we have a 3 year old. Is it shocking that him turning 3 makes me feel older than the fact that I’m turning 30 in a few months? Three is most decidedly not a baby. Brandon talks in full sentences, voices his own opinions (loudly), drinks from a big cup without spilling, has friends of his own choosing, picks out his clothes, and can actually remember (and retell) what he did on a given day. It’s not like he’s off to college next week or anything, but I do feel like we’ve made a pretty big jump.
Brandon anticipated this birthday like most children do Christmas. We would practice how he was going to tell everyone he was 3 and show them with his fingers. We sang happy birthday nearly everyday. And he most certainly started his “I want this for my birthday” list months ago. Happily, I don’t think the kid was disappointed. We started the celebration off a few days early while visiting family down south, had a family dinner and gifts on his actual birthday, had more family in the following weekend who came with enough goodies for 10 kids, and ended it all with a big soccer party. Three definitely lived up to the hype and Brandon soaked in all the attention. This kid loves being loved on.
So far, the biggest change over the past 3 months has been physical. Brandon is a kid on the move. He runs everywhere. We entered him in his first kids race and he beyond loved it. He is forever trying to get me, Brad, or Rylan to race him. So far, his favorite race partner most certainly is Suki (our dog), who he chases nearly every morning out in the park. From the moment he gets up to the moment he goes back to sleep he is in constant motion, and I now fully realize how exhausting having an energetic little boy can be. It’s fun but a bit scary to watch him try and accomplish new things. The other day at the playground, he hooked on to some older boys and ended up following them up a rather high climbing structure. Since I had Rylan with us as well, all I could do was huddle around the bottom screaming for him to be careful. Yep, mommy needed a cocktail after that experience.
After school ended, Brandon did a few weeks of day camp and had an absolute blast. He came home everyday right after lunch and would immediately crash. Most of the time I would have to wake him up before he slept the rest of the day away. He’s a very social kid, and knows each and every one of his classmates names. He loves to play with other children, and I’m so glad that Rylan has gotten old enough to be a good playmate for him at home as well. Those two are definitely buddies, and seeing them get along so well makes me appreciate that we had them close together (because boy, having two little ones at the same time is not easy).
Happy Birthday Brandon! You are one sweet, funny, smart, and adorable 3-year old!
Here’s a typical day for Brandon at 3 years:
7:30 – wake-up, get dressed
7:45 – breakfast
8:30 – walk Suki or off to camp/school
10:45/11 – snack & outside (playground, gym, school pick-up)
12:30 – lunch
1:30-3:30 – nap
3:30 – snack & play/outing
5:30 – independent playtime
6 – dvd or Ipad
6:30 – Dad comes home (highlight of his day!) and dinner
7 – bath, family reading time, brush teeth
7:30 – Bed!!
And don’t forget to enter to WIN $100 to Sephora!!

Great post !!!
Agree! He is definitely one sweet, funny, smart and adorable three year old! But, it seems like just yesterday that he was born – time’s going by way too fast.
A kids race sounds awesome! I haven’t experienced having an active toddler, but I love seeing the creative ways parents channel all of that energy.

Claire @ Lemon Jelly Cake recently posted..Blueberry Cobbler
It will happen so enough Claire, so save your energy!