Rylan has grown by leaps and bounds since his last update at 14 months. He is now walking all over the place, and wants to climb on everything. This is a kid on the move. He’s also a walking disaster. Seriously, he gets so excited that he tries to run and ends up smack on the floor (or into a wall!). Thankfully, he’s tough and has recovered quickly from some pretty nasty spills, but it would be nice to make it through a day without a new bruise or bump. Oh, the life of a little brother who wants to keep up with the big kids.
With the weather being so nice, we have had tons of outside time. Rylan is obsessed with the swing. We visited my parents down south last week, and they had bought the kids swings for the backyard and Rylan would happily sit in it for as long as we’d let him. He still cries whenever I take him out of it. Pretty ironic since he absolutely hated it 6 months ago. He isn’t too fond of the water so far, and has no interest in getting in the pool, but he loved watching Brandon swim. I think Rylan would be happy watching Brandon do just about anything. The kid is smitten with his big brother.
Rylan has thrown out a couple random words and he continues to be excellent about making sounds that closely mimic the word. So even if he doesn’t exactly know how to say something, he can often repeat the sound to you. I hate not having an idea about what his actual first word is, but he’s so close on so many different words I don’t know which one to pick. When he was in gym daycare the other week, the sitter told me that he repeatedly said “bubble,” so I’m guessing that’s it since other people were able to distinguish it. Pretty funny since “bubble” was Brandon’s first word as well.
It’s been really amazing watching Rylan have so much fun this summer. So many new experiences. I love to watch his little eyes get huge when he sees something that you know is just blowing his mind. Even though they drive me nuts at times, aren’t kids just incredible??
Here’s Rylan’s Typical Schedule at 16 Months:
- 7:30 am – wake-up, get dressed
- 7:45 – breakfast w/ Brandon
- 8:15 – playtime or outside
- 9:30-10:30 – nap #1
- 10:45 – small snack & gym/errands
- 12:30 – lunch
- 1:30-3:30/4 – nap #2
- 4 – snack & more play time
- 5:30 – independent play in playpen
- 6 – watch tv with Brandon
- 6:30 – dinner
- 7 – bath & stories
- 7:30 – bedtime!

What a great summary! It’s amazing how fast he picks things up by watching and imitating Brandon He’s definitely has his own personality, though!
He sure does! But he loves to imitate B – don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing! lol
I think it’s so interesting seeing little kids with older siblings…they really do have a different way of seeing the world and going for it. I honestly want to keep a tally of how many times Peyton falls on the average day! We are the same on the swings…as an infant, she was okay with it, but LOVES it now! I wonder what that’s about? He is a doll Ashley, you’re doing awesome raising two boys!
alex recently posted..Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Crisps
Thanks Alex, that’s so sweet. It’s insane the falls these kids take! Pretty sure I would cry too! Thank goodness they seem equipped to handle it. I just hope it gets better as they get older, but with boys I’m pretty sure that won’t be the case.